Brandon Hendrix, MD

Hendrix HSBrandon Hendrix earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from University of Central Florida College of Medicine.

Dr. Hendrix is a neurology resident. Prior to joining the Clinical Neuroscience Institute, he served as a teaching assistant at Eastern Michigan University’s Department of Biology. He authored the following publications: “The Future of Neuroregenerative Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease” co-author, Current Tissue Engineering, Mar 2014, 3(1): 25-33; “Secreted type of amyloid precursor protein induces glial differentiation by stimulating the BMP/Smad signaling pathway” co-author, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, May 2014, 447(3): 394-399.

He enjoys the violin (classical blues) and other instruments, Stephen King novels, and science fiction TV shows and movies.